On the OTHER hand, its creepy. I have a confession: b/c I follow so many celebrities, they are starting to appear in my dreams and we (as in me and the celebrity) are doing activities together that they are tweeting about. Example: Ali and Roberto (Bachelorette winning couple)- I cant tell you how many times I have woken up thinking we really are friends b/c I know what they do on an almost daily basis. Kind of sad that I don't even know that about some of my besties! So those are my thoughts currently on Twitter... still going to participate, but sort of on the fence.
Okay so here are some recent tweets- I will write their story above each image :)
This summer I had a huge marketing meeting about the big "Reorganization" in which I lost CUSP :( and acquired Bergdorf Goodman (not a bad trade!) At the meeting they passed out Neiman Marcus cookies and waters...except they looked like THIS haha! I mean wow- even the cookies have a shopping bag and that's the prettiest water packaging I have ever seen!

I finally participated in our 30/30 shopping discount and bought stuff for me ;) I am investing (quite slowly) in replacing my Walgreens makeup with some nicer brands. I got some "All About Eyes" from Clinique, some Laura Mercier powder, and then got Logan some cologne that he loves!
I was sick (still don't know what I had- some virus) where I literally ate the below for 5 straight days. I felt miserable, missed a wedding, but I sure do miss my loose fitting clothes afterwards haha!

We made a road trip to College Station to move the Cochrans into their new HUGE grown up home :) I got to eat at WINGS 'N MORE and its kind of brutal even typing this b/c my stomach is growling/ craving it right now... soooo bad!

We also celebrated Kent's White Coat Ceremony - part of starting Med School...AND his birthday at Blue Baker (another one of my fave CS hot spots!)

Painting w/ a Twist was awesome! Went w/ my "Breakfast Club" and we had a ball. My pic is the second from the left... matches our dining room and now resides there on an easel. This is a really fun girls night- BYOB and a teacher who literally could walk a kindergartner through how to recreate the chosen painting for the evening. Try it!
I cannot believe I am even going to write this...but this weekend I think I FINALLY admitted that I am burnt out of sushi...thats what I get for eating it 2x/ week for the entire summer. However, I think my debit card and husband will be thankful.
Katy started teaching high school Spanish at Shepton and is loving it! She is the cutest teacher ever... and I need to get a pic of her new "Grown Up" hairdo... she chopped it all off! Its super cute.
This is a picture of a military dude.... I mean, my husband!?!?!? What did they do? Luckily it is grown out, I am no longer scared or intimidated by Frenchy, and he knows where NOT to get his hair cut next time :)
Some cute (within the budget) purchases! $4 socks and a $4 headband from Forever. In Love and wear both of them all the time :)
Jayne's Bachelorette Party in a nutshell. Guess where we were? Yes, Austin on 6th... and we had props/ songs that went along with each location's theme...so clever and fun!

Just some sweet eye candy of my honey and I after throwing the cutest couples shower cookout EVER yesterday! 92 degrees on September 19th... wow. Wasn't planning on that, but still a success!
This weekend we are off to Richmond, Indiana so I can celebrate one of my besties walk down the aisle and become Mrs. Jayne McCabe!!! Can't wait to see her hometown and what creative things she has in store.
Tah Tah for now,
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