Our table assignments were nailed to these vintage doors w/ keys and tags... the "key" theme ran through their entire wedding, which was so cute! On the back, it said "The key to a happy marriage is..." we filled them out and gave them back as their version of a Guest book!

Priceless. Gorgeous church, nicest pastor I have ever met, and first Catholic wedding I have ever been to. Loved it!
Okay now onto MY wonderfully professional photos opps from the weekend... we were in Jayne's hometown of Richmond, Indiana and I honestly had no idea what to expect! It was a quaint and adorable little town and I found the people to be so genuine, charming, and down to earth.. no wonder we love Jayne so much!!! In the 5 years I have known her she FAILED to mention that she lived in the most gorgeous house EVER!!! (see below... yes that is her house! no wonder she wanted to have her reception in her back yard... mine would have backed up to Abrams haha)

We took a ton of pre-wedding pics in their gorgeous yard... the Dickmans don't really have neighbors, they just have awesome trees and land... and it was a perfect 70 degree day!
The below is a pic of the "Abbys" and "Rachels" in Jayne's life... her high school BFF's and her post college Dallas BFFS :)
Abby, Abby, Jayne, Rachel, Rachel
Don't you just want to pinch her? Laney was the cutest flower girl EVER... and had hip style all weekend long :) (Like if they made some of her outfits in my size, I would copy her... I guess thats what you get w/ Leslee McCabe as your mom! )
THESE made for a fun evening... Jayne and DAC-quiri
The cocktail hour was out by their pool...that caterer right there... he is carrying mini martinia glasses w/ tomato basil soup and GRILLED CHEESES in them!!! yum.
The awesome burlap table cloths and our personally stamped Fossil tins w/ cookies inside as favors... they met and fell in love at Fossil so it was quite fitting... and Jayne- I am going to need those cookies every time you come home from Richmond from here on out...
The napkins said... "Fun with Dac and Jayne"... she is so creative!
My favorite part of her dress...
Katie's speech was amazing!!! She had signs of Jayne and Dac-isms and every time Sam flashed it to the audience, we all had to say it out loud in unison...she made it into a very cute story!

My handsome date... what a trooper... up at 4am Friday AND Sunday in order to play the standby game...

These were so fun! We took lots of pics in these :)
What a sweet and wonderful post Abby! LOVE IT! :) Thanks for sharing this...miss ya! - Katie