Secondly... was going to tell you a little about our super fun PROGRESSIVE DINNER in Lakewood for New Years Eve :)
It was really fun- the Usrys hosted appetizers, we hosted the main course, and the Smiths hosted dessert/ a champagne toast at midnight! We took our time, didn't pay attention to any type of schedule and just kind of leisurely made our way from house to house. It was fun to change up the setting & vibe a few times and it took the pressure off of 1 couple hosting the entire evening.
Here we are at the Usry's for a table FULL of yummy appetizers!
Then we made our way to our casa for a yummy salad that Nicki made and my mom's famous pot roast recipe! We had 3 CROCK POTS that were ALL GONE by the end of the night... I think people liked them :) I know Grant did. (see below)
Around was time to make our way to the final house of the evening, but alas! My bestie Erin Gracey was currently RINGING in the New Year (quite literally) with her new bling! I had to stop by the oh-so-swanky Bar Celine on Henderson to say hi, check out the rock, and celebrate her engagement w/ her and her family and friends! My mom and Chris had just gotten back from their honeymoon, so they joined in the fun and my mom and I even shared a few dances :)
I am so happy that we were there at midnight. It was a BLAST! (Although I was VERY under-dressed in my non-sparkly dress haha!)
Side Note: Logan hates it when I take pics of just him so he punishes me by doing "Fat face"- no wonder his friends in France call him "Cheeseburger." haha
After midnight we did make an appearance at the Smiths and they even did another countdown and champagne toast for us :) So fun! We stayed until 1:30am when my voice literally gave out... and that, my friends, was the very beginning of my awful head cold. WELL worth it though.
What did everyone else do for NYE? Anything exciting?
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