Yesterday morning on my way to work, I got a call from Kelley that Lindsay had gone into the hospital the night before at 2am with back labor, but had labored at the house since about 9pm. Kelley was on her way to the hospital and we all started anticipating and praying for Laine's safe and healthy arrival. Kelley thought Laine would arrive around 2pm, but my Dad guessed closer to 6pm... boy were we all wrong!
Logan & I got up to the hospital around 9pm... still no Laine!
Laine's party in the lobby... all of us being nosy and trying to catch a glimpse of a baby... ANY baby! At around 10pm, we were told that after 27 hours of labor, Lindsay needed a C-Section. By that time, she was more than ready to meet Laine. The C-Section was scheduled for 11pm.
At 11:26pm, the nurse popped her head out to announce that Mom was fine and Baby was PERFECT!!! Laine arrived at 11:24pm weighing 8 lbs 8 oz and 21.5 inches long. BIG ol' Baby!!
More celebrating in the lobby!
Emotional hugs
A stunned & proud Uncle! :)
Nick came out to see us and tell us Lindsay was doing great and Laine was beautiful, with a head full of brown hair! ("How much hair?" Nick said, "Well, more than you Dad!" )
We FINALLY got to go back and meet her around 1:30am as her nurse gave her, her very first bath. (I have it on film- too cute!) She also informed Lindsay that she needed to take back all her newborn diapers and exchange them for 1 month because Laine was so big already!
The onlookers
Proud NEW (EXHAUSTED/ Sleep Deprived) Parents
Laine and Mimi
Smitten Uncle Landon
Uncle Dylan
Kay was squealing with delight
More Baby Laine pics :)
The time pulling up to our house 2:26AM ... WOW, I am BEAT tired today! (Nothing compared to Mama Zindel though)
Welcome to this world baby Girl!!! We cannot wait to get to know you better and watch you grow up before our very own eyes. You are beautiful and we are all so in love already!
Aunt Abby
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