Monday, July 6, 2015


About a month ago, my friend Katie Schlieve urged me to apply for a contributor position at Dallas Moms Blog.  At the time, I didn't know how I would handle it considering I already have my plate overflowing with 2 small girls, a successful R+F business, and a fun slideshow business… Not to mention the whole try to keep the house clean/ cook dinner/ do laundry / be a decent wife thing.  BUT I felt this deep desire to apply.  

If you have read my blog for any length of time, you may know that I grew up journaling my feelings and have literally filled hundreds of pages with my thoughts on life and analyzing silly boy drama all the way through college.  AFTER college, I started this blog as a creative outlet from my cubicle job in Corporate America. I found it to be much faster than handwriting in my journals although I still do that from time to time. ;) 

Since then, it has chronicled my love story with Logan, my wedding and honeymoon, our 2 years in France, my miscarriage, 2 successful pregnancies, and some of my adventures in motherhood.

THIS BLOG is my therapy. I LOVE to write. It helps me decompress and let off steam. It helps me connect with others who have had similar experiences and it makes me feel more sane.

So I took a leap of faith and applied JUST IN CASE they thought I would be a good fit… AND SURE ENOUGH, I was chosen!  I am ecstatic to be partnering with these women who I already look up to - I can't wait to learn from them.  

I am gong to continue to post on here more regularly and you can also find me over at The Dallas Moms Blog along with some of my new friends! 

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