Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Morgan comes to France: Part 1

Last week, one of my BFFs came to visit us in FRANCE!  Here is a snapshot of our time together. 

Waiting for Morgan at the Limoges train station. Isn't it gorgeous? 
Reunited at last! We lunched at a cute little place in Brive. 
After lunch, we stopped by my favorite village on our way home - Collognes la Rouge and picked up some local artisan treats. 
The nougat was amazing! We put together quite the variety pack to snack on :) 
It was a rainy day, but we made the best of it and explored the town.  It was SO green and flowers were blooming everywhere. 
Mustard tasting. 

Then we headed back to The Colorado, gave Morgan a tour of the place, settled her into her room and introduced her to the family.  Later that evening I cooked dinner while Logan and Morgan munched on cheese, baguette, and saucisson (dried sausage). 
Voila! Dinner is served :) I made my favorite new pasta.  Recipe here.
We ended the night watching a movie on the couch.  I had to pinch myself that I had a FRIEND in our place watching movies with us :) It was just like the good ol' days in Lakewood! 


  1. very cool! cannot wait until you are here!

  2. I felt the same way when my friends were here. "Are we all Really hanging out in France right now?!?" ran through my head their entire trip.

  3. I know its surreal when that part of your NEW life intersects with your OLD life. Its crazy but so cool :)

  4. I wish I could come back TOMORROW! Can't wait to see pics from Day 2 too! LOVED being in France with you and am counting down the days til you are in DALLAS!!!



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