In the wake of Thanksgiving and approaching Christmas, I am just thankful.
Thankful for my marriage, my girls, my improving health, my community, my church, my friends and my home. Hardest year to date but in that refining fire, we have come through stronger, bolder, and tougher. Praise Him.
I have learned that when we adopt an attitude of gratitude it helps us when we struggle with comparison, envy, or jealousy.
I listened to a sermon recently that talked about the "spiral" we can sometimes find ourselves in. The one where our mind just goes down a rabbit hole of insecurity, fear, or negativity. Sometimes you have to TAKE A MINUTE and snap yourself out of it. How? By saying out loud every single thing you are thankful for. I have tried this the past few days as my mind has been flirting with my anxiety and insomnia again and I just have to stop. Center. Refocus. And give thanks! My God reigns. He is victorious over every battle.
So now, I remain FULL of thanks. Thank(FULL) for all He has entrusted with me. I desperately want to lead well. Love BIG. And be a good steward of all the gifts He has lavished on me.
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